Deoxys, the extraterrestrial DNA Pokémon, has returned to the world of Pokémon GO. This time, in Defense Forme!
The last time we saw this super powerful alien, it was in EX Raids last December. At that time, it was in its Attack Forme. According to the most recent Pokémon Go blog post, Deoxys is returning to EX Raids again on March 25 in its Defense Forme.
Deoxys originates as a space virus that crashed to Earth from a meteor. After exposure to a laser beam, it underwent a sudden mutation, becoming Deoxys. Highly intelligent and capable of psychokinetic abilities, it’s central brain appears to be the crystalline organ in its chest. It’s known to alter its form to best fit the situation. As you could have guessed, Defense Forme grants Deoxys a major boost to its defensive stats.
For those unfamiliar EX Raids are a bit different than your standard raid battle. You need to be invited to participate in an Ex Raid. This can be done by being a regular, active participant in a local raid. If you’re lucky, you’ll be given an EX Raid Pass with a date and time for the raid. These battles are more powerful than most and will often host rare Pokémon.
Best of luck to any trainers striving for Deoxys Defense Forme!