So we are already aware that the gym system in Pokemon Go is being completely reworked, but what are they doing? Well, they’re making a few very interesting new updates to the way that gyms will be functions. For starters, a gym will max out on 6 slots now. Of these 6 slots, the battle order will be based on placement, not on overall CP like before. In addition to this, the gym slots will be unique, meaning that no two of the same Pokemon can be at one gym.
Pokemon at the gym will lose motivation over time, which makes them easier to defeat. This will be indicated to players by a depleting heart icon. In order to increase a gym Pokemon’s motivation levels, their trainer must go in and feed the Pokemon. Gyms can also be used like PokeStops now, so trainers can spin for items. Some items in the game will be unique to gyms from now on, and it is unknown whether or not your faction must own the gym in order to spin.
There are two more changes. Pokemon gyms will now be giving trainers badges for defeating them. You can exchange these badges for increased rewards at gyms. The final change we are going to see is for Pokemon stationed at a gym slot. The longer a Pokemon stays at a gym, the more coins you will receive. The coins will not be paid out to you until the Pokemon is completely defeated and runs out of motivation.
These are the major changes, and it seems like Niantic really wanted to do a complete overhaul here. I’m excited to see the new system put into place, and I’m really curious to see what I’m going to be getting from my brand new gym item spins!