A while back, we reported that some people have had trouble catching Pokemon at vehicle speeds. As in, they just stopped spawning entirely. Niantic Labs hadn’t released any official statement on the idea, so it was considered a possible bug. However, now that may not entirely be the case.
As time goes on, it seems that high-speed spawning is out. Initially, that may seem like a safe choice. If you can’t catch Pokemon at high speeds, then you can’t be distracted by the app, right? Well, not exactly.
You see, Pokestops are still there. Drivers can still find use for the app while on the road. But also, there are plenty of people who use public transportation every single day. This move stops them from fully using the app during the most boring parts of their days.
Given, stopping bus riders from playing Pokemon GO doesn’t really cause a safety issue, but it may cause a player base issue. If Niantic isn’t careful, it’s waning player base may continue shrinking.