Phone providers definitely made a killing off of the initial release of Pokemon Go. I’m sure there must be some kind of records that were set from players going insanely over there data, as well as people switching over to plans that provided a higher data limit. I can personally say that I was sucked into the hype, and ended up getting a whole new phone and data plan, which was much more expensive than my previous plan I might add. Yea, I’m ashamed of myself.
Anyway, Pokemon Go has had a recent spike in concurrent players thanks to the introduction of legendary Pokemon. In an attempt to capitalize on this, Sprint is offering $50 in Pokemon Go goodies when you sign with them as a new customer.
This is definitely not a reason to switch if you’re happy with your current setup, but if you’re a Pokemon Go fan and were planning on switching providers anyway, then you may want to consider this promotion.
The supposed $50 in items include ultra balls, lucky eggs, pinap berries, lure modules, incense, and more. In addition to all of these in-game goodies, you can actually get a physical badge showcasing your trainer level from Sprint stores that are marked with their own Pokemon Gym.