An age old question. Who is the most powerful Pokemon ever? It’s a pretty common question and it can apply to almost any other game, show, or franchise. But since Pokemon is such an old, diverse, and world renowned franchise, people’s opinions are scattered all over the place. Many peoples opinions may have similarities when it comes to the top ten or top five most powerful Pokemon, but because there is so many, it’s hard to choose a definitive answer.
This video by Watch Mojo pretty perfectly captivates this age old question, and for the most part, most of the viewers tend to agree with it. Though as you can see the dislikes, people are always going to disagree when it comes to Pokemon. Everyone has their favorites, and to an extent, it doesn’t even come down to fact more than general appeal.
Nevertheless, it’s definitely worth a watch. How many of these top 10 would you have in your list?
welll this is very what pokemon need to think as shadow